Our Publications
Below you can find the complete series of our publications.

Caporarello, L. (2023)
Una contaminazione che fa bene al progresso
in “Formiche. Open Science, a che gioco gioca la scienza.”
(n°190, pp. 18-19). Aprile 2023, Rubbettino

Caporarello, L., Levefre, D. (2022)
Management Education and Digital Technology: Choices for strategy and innovation
in Fellenz M. R., Hoidn S., Brady M. (Eds) “The Future of Management Education”
Routledge Advances in Management Learning and Education, Routledge Revivals

Caporarello, L., Manzoni, B. (2020)
The role of Business Schools and their challenges in educating future leaders: looking backward to move forward
in Pfeffermann N. (Eds) “New leadership in strategy and communication”
Springer, 209-226

Caporarello L., Manzoni B., & Panariello B. (2020)
Learning and Development Is the Key. How Well Are Companies Doing to Facilitate Employees’ Learning?
Caporarello L., Cirulli F. & Manzoni B. (2020)
Designing a Self-regulated Online Learning Course Using Innovative Methods: A Case Study.
in Gennari R. et al. (Eds) “Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning”
MIS4TEL 2019, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1007, Springer, Cham

Caporarello, L., Manzoni, B. & Panariello, B. (2020)
The evolution of (digital) learning models and methods: what will organizations and their employees adopt in 2025?
Manzoni, B., Caporarello, L., Cirulli, F. & Magni, F. (2020)
The preferred learning styles of Generation Z: do they differ from the ones of previous generations?
in Metallo, C. et al. (Eds) “Digital Transformation and Human Behavior. Innovation for People and Organisations”

Caporarello, L., Manzoni B., Moscardo C. & Trabelsi L. (2020)
How do we learn today and how will we learn in the future? Digital-enhanced and personalized learning win.
Caporarello, L., Manzoni B. & Trabelsi L. (2020) (Digital)
Learning models and organizational learning mechanisms: should organizations adopt a single learning model or a multiple one?
in Lazazzara A. et al. (Eds) “Exploring digital ecosystems: Organizational and human challenges”

Caporarello, L., Cirulli F., & Manzoni B. (2020)
Designing a Self-regulated Online Learning Course Using Innovative Methods: A Case Study.
Caporarello, L., Manzoni B., & Panariello B. (2020)
Learning and Development Is the Key. How Well Are Companies Doing to Facilitate Employees’ Learning?
in Gennari R. et al. (Eds) “Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 9th International Conference”
MIS4TEL 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1007. Springer, Cham
Caporarello, L., Cirulli F., & Milani, M. (2019)
Design of a Learning Analytics framework proposal in academic contexts
“Giornale Italiano della Ricerca Educativa – Italian Journal of Educational Research”
Pensa MultiMedia Editore srl - ISSN 2038-9744 (on-line) - DOI 10.7346/SIRD-2S2019-P43
Caporarello, L., Cirulli, F. & Milani, M. (2019)
Learning Analytics in Higher Education: a framework proposal
in S. Carliner (Ed.) “Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education”
(pp. 424-430). New Orleans, Louisiana, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 8, 2019.
Caporarello, L., Cirulli, F., & Milani, M. (2019)
Learning Analytics in the University domain: the need for a structured proposal
in “Proceedings of WEI International Academic Conference on Education”
Teaching and Learning, Boston, USA
Caporarello, L., Milani, M., & Cirulli F. (2019)
Learning Analytics: uno studio esplorativo nel contesto accademico
in “Proceedings of SIRD, SIe-L Learning Analytics Per un dialogo tra pratiche didattiche e ricerca educative”
Milani, M., Moscardo, C., & Cirulli, F. (2019)
Understanding MOOCS learners: cultural background and motivation
in ”Proceedings of EDULEARN19”
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Caporarello, L., Cirulli, F., & Bonaiuti, P. (2018)
What motivate learners to keep attending a MOOC and take a new one: a research model proposal
in “Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government,
Healthcare, and Higher Education”
(pp. 1138-1150). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved October 28, 2018, from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/185114/
Caporarello, L., & Cirulli, F. (2018)
To quit or not to quit? A study on motivation and attendance in MOOCs
in “Proceedings of WEI International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning”
Boston, USA
Moscardo, C., Binda, V., & Caporarello, L. (2018)
Designing highly interactive flipped learning experiences: the case of a Business History course
in “Proceedings of EDULEARN18”
Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Caporarello, L., Levefre, D. (2022)
E-learning effectiveness from a students’ perspective: an empirical study
in Rossignoli C., Virili F., Za S. (Eds) “Digital Technology and Organizational Change. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation”
23 Springer, Cham

Caporarello, L., Giovanazzi, A., & Manzoni, B. (2017)
Reimagine E-learning: a proposal for a 21st learning framework
Caporarello, L., Magni, M., & Pennarola F. (2017)
Learning and gamification: a possible relationship?
EAI Transaction on e-learning

Caporarello, L., & Inesta, A. (2016)
Make blended learning happen: conditions for a successful change process in higher education institutions
EAI Transactions on e-Learning

Caporarello, L., Magni, M., & Pennarola, F. (2016)
Is Technology Mediated Learning Really Improving Performance Of Students?
EAI Transactions on e-Learning

Caporarello, L., Magni, M., & Pennarola, F. (2016)
Let’s learn together: team integration climate, individual states and learning using computer-based simulations
Caporarello, L., Manzoni, B., & Bigi, M. (2016)
E-learning effectiveness from a students’ perspective: an empirical study
in “Proceedings of Italian Chapter of Association for Information Systems”
Verona, Italy

Caporarello, L. (2016)
The Global Integrative Module: an online learning experience to train future managers to solve today’s global social challenges
in “Educating for Responsible Management: Putting Theory into Practice”
Greenleaf Publishing, UK

Caporarello, L., & Inesta, A. (2016)
Blended Learning Approach: How Is the Learning Educational Paradigm Changing? Reflections and a Proposed Framework
in F. D’Ascenzo, et al. (Eds) “Blurring the boundaries through digital innovation”
Springer, Germany

Caporarello, L., Cesaroni, F., Giesecke, R. & Missikoff, M. (eds) (2016)
Digitally supported innovation. A multi-disciplinary view on enterprise, public sector and user innovation
Springer, Germany